About Me

My Sun sign is Cancer, my Moon sign is Libra and I have Taurus rising.

Since childhood, I experienced some initiatory Mystical encounters. Coming from a creative and forever curious family, I became fascinated with Astrology in my late teens. While studying Fine Arts at the University of Pretoria, the awareness of a parallel dimension of pure light energy, together with a near death experience, prompted me to explore the psychology and religion sections of the university library where all available extra time was spent absorbing anything esoteric, especially mythology and symbolism as contained in religious art iconography. I majored in History of Art, Theory of Art and Graphic Design. After discovering Carl Gustav Jung’s works on the occult and religion, I became his lifelong ‘book student.’ While working as a graphic designer, my drive to want to understand, (Aquarius Jupiter and Capricorn Saturn in the 9th House) led me to teach myself the art of Astrology. A non-stop reader, (Gemini Venus) together with a background in illustrative design, technical drawing and sacred geometry, came in very handy.

I eventually formally studied the finer techniques of chart interpretation with my gifted beloved teacher Janet, who sadly passed away, leaving behind a legacy of seeking the truth about the developing soul in this incarnation. During my years with her, I also studied Tarot, which I eventually taught, Feng Shui, Mysticism and the link between Astrology and Kabbalah. Past lives and dreams and their meaningful integration were also explored.

I have always been and will forever be a “student/teacher”, seeking the logical corresponding patterning between the unseen world of the psyche and the physical reality of our daily lives. While raising a much younger sister to two older brothers, I consult and write, using Astrology, Kabbalah and Tarot and its related fields, to give meaningful understanding to the full potential of every person. With a definite Spiritual focus, I lead clients to have the confidence of being in control of their lives, to make informed choices, in order to be centered in their own lives. The full blossoming of a client experiencing their true self is such an enriching experience.

Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgement difficult. – Aphorism of Hippocrates.

From the Oracle of Delphi; “Know Thyself”, maybe, after so many thousands of years, we might just, from incarnation to incarnation, heed this open ended truth.